Hello my fitness friends! Are you ready to crush your goals in 2020? To prepare yourself for an EPIC year and discover how to GROW personally and professionally to an even better you? Check out our Digital Learning Experience below as I personally walk you through a fantastic goal setting exercise and let’s get after it! List of the questions are below this video for your convenience and to ensure you execute! 🙂
Oh and could you do me one favor? PLEASE share this with a friend! Or on FB or IG or whatever platform you wish and let’s work TOGETHER and support people in our lives so they too can have a breakthrough year. Much love!!
Live Stronger For Today,
John Heringer
Chief Motivator, Method3 Fitness
- What were your biggest accomplishments in 2019? What are you most proud of? Go deep. You may find they’re not even business-related at all.
- What does success look like to you in 2020? This is YOUR definition of success. Not anyone else’s. Is it more clients? More revenue streams? Consolidating and doing LESS? More family time? More fun? More adventure!? This is COMPLETELY up to YOU!
- How do you envision your business/personal life a year from now? What’s your 12 month “best outcome?” Get specific. You’ve already established what success looks like, but how does that translate into an average day or week? How will it be DIFFERENT?
- What 3 to 5 areas need improvement to make that happen? What MUST change in order to get to the next level this year?
- What needs to be eliminated from your life or actions to make that happen? Be honest and think about the hard decisions you can make to live your best year.
- What SPECIFIC actions can you take to make it happen? It’s time to get practical. What steps are you going to take to make 2020 an AMAZING year? Break it down by quarter or by month. No need to get overwhelmed. Keep it simple. Personally, I think ONE specific focus each month works well as it builds to achieving things throughout the year.
- What would 10X actions look like? You know what actions you need to take above….now think bigger. How can you take your actions to the next level. Remember, it’s NOT about achieving the 10X action or even 10X goal….it’s about the person you will BECOME by trying to achieve it.
- How are YOU going to grow personally, so that YOU & your Business/professional self can grow? What skill sets do you need to develop to make all of that happen? What would you like to get better at? Specifically, how are you going to improve in these areas?
- Who can support you and hold you accountable to your goals and game plan for success? Ideally not a spouse or significant other. More of an accountability buddy who can help you find solutions, keep you motivated, and also call you out on your excuses from time to time. 😉
- How will you keep your goals, actions, and vision in the forefront of your mind? How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan and not let it fall by the wayside? Writing it down every day? Posting to your mirror or fridge or dresser?
- How will you celebrate your progress? Not just the achievement of the big goal….but the milestones along the way. If you’re taking EPIC action in personal and professional development and GROWING, then you need to celebrate your wins and be mindful of how far you have come.