Raise your hand if you’ve done something like the story below…don’t worry we all have at least once. 😉
For us at the fitness studio, it’s a new client or challenge participant getting ready to start training with us at Method3. They’re nervous and excited to see some results. It’s maybe Thursday, and they’re getting started on Monday.
However…They show up Monday bloated with low energy and 3 pounds heavier!
Why, you ask?
Because they literally binged on all of their favorite and soon-to-be “forbidden” foods! I’ve seen people create huge setbacks for themselves in the name of not being able to have what they love ever again.
And honestly, if you approach any workout or nutrition plan with that mentality, you will usually fail. It’s that simple.
This is a truth that MUST be told. And yet some people believe, for one reason or another, that it has to be this way to get results.
However, there is no “all or none” in health and fitness. In fact, no food will truly ever be “off limits” in our opinion. (Note: The only exception to this might be an extreme addiction someone is battling with food or alcohol where complete removal is necessary.)
So how do you solve this tricky equation?
It can be as simple as smaller portions, decreased frequency of consumption, or preparing healthier alternatives to your favorite foods.
But there is never a reason to believe that you’re going to have to say goodbye to bread and cheese forever. 😍
So, have you ever approached a fitness program with this mentality of “never again?”
What was the outcome? COMMENT below, and let me know!
Until next time, keep striving forward and living Stronger For Today!
Live Stronger For Today,
John Heringer
Chief Motivator, Method3 Fitness
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