We all love a good bicep curl or bench press… Right?
But really in our daily lives, unless something heavy falls on you or have to pull a heavy object towards you, bicep curls and bench presses don’t really serve a purpose.
Don’t get me wrong…I love it all…bicep curls, bench pressing, Olympic lifting, traditional bodybuilding…there’s a place for everything and at the end of the day it’s movement and it’s strength training which is great.
As coaches, it is important to us that our clients develop functional strength.
What is Functional Strength?
It’s defined as strength that allows us to efficiently and safely get through day to day life.
While most people don’t do much manual labor anymore and many people spend the majority of the day on the computer, functional strength is still very important.
You should be able to walk, run, push, pull, and grip.
You should be able to do all of these things without pain, tightness, and restriction.
A lot easier said than done though am I right?! 🙂 Especially with the seated lifestyle we’ve created.
There’s a lot of day to day demand on our bodies to keep them healthy and capable of doing daily tasks and living our lives, so we have to create that demand for ourselves by sticking to an exercise program, having recreational hobbies that involve moment, and by simply being conscious of how much we move day today and everyday.
It’s All Relative
One thing to remember is that the necessary levels of function vary from person to person and functional strength can be different relative to the individual and their goals. For example, an athlete requires a different level of functional strength than a grandmother who wants to stay out of pain.
One of the best ways to determine how to attain the level of function that is best for you is by working with an educated and experienced fitness professional who can design a program to help you get there.
Which….lucky for you…is exactly what we can help you do here at Method 3 Fitness. Need some help? Reach out and let us know! Call us at (408) 371-1212 or email us at info@method3fitness.com
When you’re ready, we’re here to help!
Live Stronger For Today,
John Heringer
Chief Motivator, Method3 Fitness
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