Most of us fall into two camps when it comes to meal prep. We either overthink it, or we don’t think about it all. But meal prepping is an essential part of being successful with healthy eating and ultimately, weight loss. That’s why your San Jose personal trainers are bringing you their number one super time-saving tip. This tip will make your life easier, save you money, AND help you stay on track with your nutrition.
Cook MORE in One Sitting
What would happen if, one day when you’re making diner, you simply made 2-3x the amount you usually do? That’s actually a golden tip from the good ol’ days of home ec class, our grandmothers and beyond! In fact, when Coach Nadia was a kid, her grandmother who was from Haiti used to make enough rice, beans, and meat with sauce for the entire week. She would serve up what the family needed immediately then store the rest for later.
Do the same with YOUR go-to meals. Double up your turkey burgers, chili, stir fry, breakfast frittatas or … well, almost anything! Taking this approach means you don’t have to set aside several hours of valuable weekend time to cook for the upcoming week. Instead, you spend your normal amount of time cooking … plus 5 to 10 minutes each week PLANNING your meals.
How to Get Started
Start meal planning today.
- Take a few minutes to map out your meals and snacks for the next several days.
- Make sure you have all of the ingredients on-hand
- Cook up enough for 2-3 days of leftovers
This seems like a no-brainer, but the PLANNING part of it makes all the difference, especially if you’re used to trying to figure out every night what you’re going to make for dinner.
Need More Guidance?
We’ve helped hundreds of clients gain control of their eating habits through our flagship 35 day fitness, nutrition, and mindset coaching program, Thrive In 35. Thrive In 35 is designed to help you shed lbs, get fit, and gain confidence. We not only give you a collection of recipes that your entire family love. We also help you tweak your favorite dishes so that they’re healthier and still taste delicious! Thrive sells out of 75 spots, every time (as it did just recently). Click here to get on the early bird list for the next one.
Stronger for Today,
The Method3 Fitness Team
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The Method3 Fitness blog is updated weekly. All content is designed to improve the way you move, eat, and think so you can achieve your goals and live stronger for today. Check back here each week and LIKE our Fan Page, to stay up to date on the latest tips, strategies and methods to get fit, lose fat, and build confidence. Ready to get started with us? Click here to get a free week of workouts!