Did you know that the quality of your relationships is one of the major determining factors of your long term well-being and success. Any lifestyle change requires a support system for it to succeed. Keep reading to find out why you can benefit from having support for weight loss and life.
Goodbye Loneliness, Hello Friends
Having support from people who understand what you want to achieve can create a powerful environment for you to succeed. That means:
- There are always people around to hold you accountable for taking steps toward your goals.
- You always have someone to talk to when you need help or reach a roadblock.
- You have more opportunities to improve your skills with others who inspire you and are willing to provide feedback.
- You can relax and be yourself without fear of being judged.
Ultimately, this adds up to you feeling less stressed and happier on a daily basis. And when you’re happier, you can focus more fully on working toward your goals.
Nurture Your Existing Support System
Most of us already have people in our lives that willing to support us as we grow. We just have to take steps to keep it healthy. Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions:
- Who in my life supports me in achieving my goals? This can include family, friends, co-workers, or acquaintances who have shown an interest in your life. Write down their names and make it a point to reach out to those people. Talk to them about what you’re doing and (if it seems appropriate) ask them to check in from time to time to hold you accountable.
- How can I support the people around me in their efforts to become healthy and fit or in some other area of their life? If it’s a loved one, this could be as simple as acknowledging their efforts or offering to help them with chores one day so they have time to attend a workout. If it’s a workout buddy, compliment them on their results so far.
Find Support
If you can’t come up with at least one person who supports you, it’s time to expand your social circle. Remember that your coaches at Method3 Fitness are a part of your support network and they are happy to help you in times of need. But we find that clients who are the most successful at achieving and sustaining success with their health and fitness goals are those that actively seek to be involved in the fitness community. This community can be found within whatever studio or gym you belong to and for us here at Method3 Fitness, that means things such as:
- Attending community events, like our annual Christmas party and Happy Hours, participating in group hikes, or even just introducing yourself to fellow members before or after a workout.
- Following us on social media and commenting on photos and videos we post. Trying the workouts we share, congratulating other members for their progress, posting in the Partners Facebook Group.
It will increase your chances of achieving your health and fitness goals AND create a sense of belonging, so that Method3 Fitness (or your home gym) can become your healthy and fit home away from home. So tell us… Who do you have in YOUR support system? Let us know below.
Stronger for Today,
The Method3 Fitness Team
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The Method3 Fitness blog is updated weekly. All content is designed to improve the way you move, eat, and think so you can achieve your goals and live stronger for today. Check back here each week and LIKE our Fan Page, to stay up to date on the latest tips, strategies and methods to get fit, lose fat, and build confidence. Ready to get started with us? Click here to get a free week of workouts!