Are you serious about achieving your goals in 2019? At Method3 Fitness, we teach our Partners that the key to success is three-pronged. It involves proper planning, taking consistent action, and developing a positive mindset. Our coaches have put together a 12 step process to guide you through it from conception to success.
Step 1: Vision
Grab a journal, a sheet of paper, or your laptop and write a description of what your life would look like if you achieved your greatest hopes and dreams. Don’t hold back. Instead, whether you believe it’s possible or not, write it as if there were nothing that could get in the way of you achieving what you want in life.
Step 2: Extract
Your vision points to the types of goals you want to achieve. Working from what you wrote, create a list of 10 goals you want to achieve, both big and small. Don’t worry about the details yet. Just list them right now to get them out of your head.
Step 3: Prioritize
Out of the goals you wrote down, which ones are most important to you? Pick two or three goals that are TOP PRIORITY in your life right now. This may be out of necessity (i.e. financial) or it may come from some other desire (i.e. to feel more confident). Re-write your top three goals and below each one write down WHY you want to achieve them. Be honest and really take the time to reflect on your why. The more passionate you are about your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them.
Step 4: Focus
We’re going to ask you to narrow your goals even further. Choose ONE you want to work on first. This doesn’t mean that you can’t work on the others, but rather that you are choosing to devote time and effort into mastering one at a time.
Pro Tip: Some find that it’s best to work on the EASIEST goal first. Once you achieve it, you’ll experience a wave of triumph that can give you the momentum you need to dive into the next one! Alternatively, if you have the opportunity to work on a goal with an expert, such as in Thrive In 35 our flagship nutrition, fitness, and mindset program that only opens enrollment a handful of times each year, it’s best to jump on the opportunity.
Step 5: Research
Now that you’ve chosen a focus, conduct a Google or Bing search to find the best ways to achieve your goal. Consider books, blogs, TED Talks, etc. Or reach out to an expert in your area. If you have a fitness or weight loss related goal, the Method3 Fitness blog is ripe with articles on the strength training and nutrition for weight loss.
Safety Note: There is a lot of false information out there, so make sure you take this step seriously. Avoid searching for quick fixes and find a path to your goal that is both safe and sustainable.
Step 6: Planning
You should know by now what it takes to achieve your goal. Write down all of the action steps you found. Make them as simple and as small as possible. For example, instead of starting with “go to the gym 3 times a week” try “visit local fitness studios” with a list of your top picks.
Don’t Forget: Once you’ve written out the steps, make sure to put dates on them. There’s nothing like a deadline to help you spring into action!
Step 7: Intention
This is where you get to be creative. Make a vision board using any creative materials you like. Here are a few suggestions:
- Draw it out with markers or colored pencils
- Make a collage
- Create a meme on your favorite app
The purpose is to set your intention and to create a sense of ownership and commitment to your goal. The more creatively you engage with it, the stronger your drive to succeed will become. Try not to overthink or spend too much time on the vision board. Set a timer for 30-60 minutes. When it rings, take a minute to finish up, then hang your board where you can see it every day.
Step 8: Action
This step is the simplest and yet it’s the most challenging for many. You know what they say. When you don’t try, the chances of failing are 100%. So don’t wait any longer. Take the first action step. Use your journal to record any thoughts or feelings you had before, as you took, and after the action step.
Step 9: Commitment
Take a bigger action. Sometimes we have to push ourselves out of our comfort zone in order to give ourselves a leg up. A few good examples would be:
- Signing up for a 1/2 marathon 6 months in advance so you’re motivated to train
- Hiring a nutrition coach rather than using a do-it-yourself nutrition book.
- Scheduling “get-it-done” time with a friend so that you’re not tempted to cancel
- Signing up for a year of training rather than a 10-pack of sessions
Commitment is a sign that WANT to achieve your goals. Make the choice to commit and follow through.
Step 10: Assess
It’s time to evaluate what you’ve done so far. To do that, ask yourself the following questions:
- What was it like to take action on your goal?
- If applicable, what could you have done differently?
- If the experience was great, how can you experience that again?
- If the experience was horrible, what did it tell you about your desire to achieve your goal?
- What do you need to learn or do more of in order to achieve your goal?
Be honest during the assessment. This step can reveal telling insights about your goal and your current abilities.
Step 11: Affirm
I think it was Theodore Roosevelt who said that “Nothing worth having comes easily.” If your goal is really important to you, you’ll do what it takes to achieve it. Recall your goal. Remember why you chose to achieve it in the first place. This is a good time to re-read your vision and revise it if necessary. After all, with the knowledge you’ve gained throughout this process, something in your vision may have changed, so this is a perfect opportunity to refine it.
Step 12: Celebrate
Most people don’t take enough time out of their busy lives to recognize the amazing work that they have done to move toward their goals. That’s why the final step in the process is to CELEBRATE YOU. Pause for a moment and acknowledge the fact that you’re a few steps closer to achieving your dreams. Share your progress with your friends and loved ones. By doing so, you may inspire them take action in their own lives too 😉
Attend Our Annual Goal Setting Workshop
For the second year in a row Method3 Fitness is hosting a Goal Setting Workshop, designed to help educate and guide you in the process of creating a healthy, happy life, and living stronger for today. It’s one thing to read about the process online. It’s another thing entirely to work through it with a coach available to answer your questions and work through any challenges. Details and dates for the workshop will be released in the next week or two, so check back for updates then!
Stronger for Today,
The Method3 Fitness Team
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The Method3 Fitness blog is updated weekly. All content is designed to improve the way you move, eat, and think so you can achieve your goals and live stronger for today. Check back here each week and LIKE our Fan Page, to stay up to date on the latest tips, strategies and methods to get fit, lose fat, and build confidence. Ready to get started with us? Click here to get a free week of workouts!