Give a friend or family member the gift of an amazing workout this holiday with our “Happy Holiday Partner Workout.” There’s no Equipment needed, so grab your closet loved one, lay down a mat, and start sweating!
Set a timer at an interval of 30:0 (that’s 30 seconds of work with no rest in between) 10 rounds, then complete each exercise consecutively without rest. Take a one minute break, then complete the whole thing again three more times (4 rounds total). Make sure to switch positions with your partner on each round. The entire workout should take about 20 minutes to complete.
PS – Don’t forget to download the printable workout card at the end of this blog!
The Exercises
Here are the exercises in your set. Read through all of the descriptions and practice each move before you complete the workout.
- Partner Resisted Chest Fly – Stand facing your partner. Extend your right hand out to one another with your palms facing inward. Apply pressure. You should feel your chest muscles and biceps engage. Complete just one side this round. Next round, switch to the left hand.
- Partner Resisted Twist – Stand facing your partner. Each of you, place your palms together in a prayer position with your fingers pointing at one another. Flush the back of your right palm (knuckle side) to the back of his or her right palm. Keeping your hands firmly in front of your chest, engage your abdominal and twist toward one another. With the resistance of each other’s bodies, you shouldn’t be able to twist far! On the next round, make sure to switch sides.
- Partner Plank & High Five – Come into a plank position on your forearms. Reach forward and high five your partner. He or she should be far enough in front of you that you can extend your arm full. Alternate arms.
- Assisted Hamstring Curls – Kneel in front of your partner, facing away from him or her. Have your partner place his or her hands on your ankles and apply pressure. Lower yourself into a pushup position on your knees. Perform a pushup. At the top of the pushup, push your body dynamically away from the floor until you return to a kneeling position. Use the muscles of your legs to help you rise up. On the next round, switch roles with your partner.
- Partner Hopovers – Have you partner come into a high plank position, with his or her feet together. Stand on one side of his or her ankles with your feet together. Moving laterally, hop back and forth over his or her ankles.
- Partner Assisted Sit-ups – Lay on your back with your feet planted just in front of your hips. Have your partner place his or her hands on your ankles. Then, sit up! Repeat as many times as you can. Next round, switch positions!
- Partner Getups – Stand in front of your partner while he or she lays on his or her back. Reach down and grip each other’s right hands (forearms for a better grip). Pull him or her up to standing. Repeat with the other hand. For the next round, change roles.
- Partner Assisted Leg Lifts – Lay on your back with your feet extended in the air. Have your partner stand about a foot or two behind your head. Reach back and take hold of his or her ankles. Have him or her push your feet toward the floor. Resist by engaging your abdominals, so that your feet swing down but do not touch the floor. Swing your legs back up and repeat. Switch roles on the next round.
- Partner Assisted Pistol Squats – Stand facing your partner. While your partner holds an athletic position, extend your left leg out in front of you and bend your right knee sending your hips back and lowering down into a single leg squat. Press yourself up to standing, then repeat on the other side.
- High Five Burpees – Stand facing your partner, but slightly to the side. Each of you, complete a burpee, then hop laterally to high five one another. Repeat in the other direction. Keep going until the time is up.
Take It With You
Once you’ve tried this workout a few times, take it with you when you go on your next vacation.
Stonger for Today,
The Method3 Fitness Team
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