Cravings… we all get them, whether we’re hungry or not. They can be triggered by habit, by stress, and other reasons related to your physical or emotional state in the moment. They key to being successful with your nutrition is learning to manage cravings when they hit. You San Jose personal trainers are here to lead you in the right direction with 4 sneaky ways to manage your cravings.
Sip on Some H20
If you find yourself hungry in between meals, perhaps even shortly after you’ve eaten, there’s a good chance you may be dehydrated. Most people don’t drink enough water on a daily basis. That can make your body feel sluggish, so that t begins searching for a source of energy (usually in the form of food). Before you look to food for the answer, 8 ounces of water and wait 15-20 minutes. Most likely, the craving will subside. If it doesn’t, ask yourself the following question:
Am I hungry or am I bored?
Be as honest with yourself as possible. If you’re truly hungry, go ahead and grab a healthy snack. If the answer is that you’re bored, move onto the next hack.
Find a Distraction
When it comes to craving culprits, boredom is the real deal. Eating is a quick fix, giving you that temporary rush of satisfaction, usually after eating something not-so-good for your body (cookies, candy, ice cream, chips, and other types of junk food). It’s what Brian Tracy, a world-renowned self development author, would call the path of least resistance. He says that
“The tendency to follow the path of least resistance guarantees failure in life.” Doing what’s EASY… in this case, reaching for a food when you’re no truly hungry… doesn’t always align with your goals. Try one of these activities instead:
- Call a friend
- Book a workout or yoga class
- Go for a walk
- Do something artistic (i.e. play an instrument or draw)
- Take a bath or soak in a hottub
- Go dancing or put on some music and rock out in your room
If that doesn’t work, try the next tip.
Chew On a Piece of Gum
Sometimes you need something to help that oral fix. Studies have shown that chewing gum not only reduces your appetite, but it can also lower the total of amount of calories you can consume throughout the day. If you choose to go this route, make sure to choose brand that’s sugar free.
Brush Your Teeth
Have you ever tried eating or drinking a glass of your favorite beverage right after brushing your teeth? Ew, right? Your toothpaste wreaks havoc on your taste buds, suppressing your ability to taste sweet foods and enhancing the intensity of bitterness. So when a craving hits, try brushing your teeth right away. You’ll curb the urge AND make your mouth and teeth fresh and clean.
Which one of these tricks will you use next time a craving hits? Let us know in the comments below!
Stronger for Today,
The Method3 Fitness Team
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