It’s the season for setting goals … and today our Campbell personal trainers have got something that will help you to make them a reality! It's a checklist to stay on-track, no matter what goals you're working toward. Let’s jump in... Campbell Personal Trainers’ 10 Steps to Conquering Your Goals: 1. FOCUS & DECIDE. Instead of choosing several goals to work on all at the same time, our Campbell personal trainers want you to harness all that energy and focus it toward just 1-2 main goals. 2. Pick the goal with your BIGGEST WHY. This is the goal that you emotionally connect with and have a STRONG REASON for choosing. (example: “I want to have the energy to play with my kids.” - that’s a pretty big reason) It’s your “WHY” that keeps you going, so it has to be a good one. 3. COMMIT (No, Really.) Commit the right amount of resources (time, energy, and attention) to make your goal a reality. Our Campbell personal trainers want you to treat it like anything else important in your life - because it IS! 4. MAKE A PLAN. Every Sunday, set aside 15-30 minutes to plan out your week and make sure you have what you need on-hand and ready to go. Then, every night take 3-5 minutes to make sure you’re on track for the next day. Our Campbell personal trainers promise you this makes a HUGE difference! 5. TAKE ACTION. This is actually the MOST IMPORTANT STEP of all. You won’t reach your goals without consistent action. Do something daily that moves you closer to your goal- Always strive to be Stronger for Today! 6. GET SUPPORT & ACCOUNTABILITY. Tell trusted friends and family members what you’re working toward. Or even better, work with our experienced Campbell personal trainers who will help you get (and stay) on-track with a proven program. With someone in your corner, when you have a “win” or a setback, you have someone to share it with and that will help spur your motivation to keep moving forward. 7. SET DEADLINES. Don’t skip this one! Without having a specific date to shoot toward, you don’t have any URGENCY to take action. When you feel a clock ticking down toward your goals, it will help you light a fire of motivation. 8. GIVE YOURSELF A REWARD. When you meet milestones along the way toward your goals, reward yourself with a healthy payoff! New shoes, workout gear, a book, or a massage are great choices. 9. MANAGE EXPECTATIONS. Making changes and going after goals can take time and effort. Our Campbell personal trainers want you to be patient and stay the course! Give your plan time to work … and know that some days will be easier than others. Just keep repeating step 5 (taking action). 10. REEVALUATE. Do a quick evaluation of where you’re at every few weeks: Are you killing it and staying on track? (woohoo!) Or, are you following the plan? Or, are you following the plan and it’s not working? This is where a personal trainer can make a big difference - because they have an experienced, big-picture view of your goals and can help you accelerate your results. Let our Campbell personal trainers help you create your personalized plan to reach your goals! We have a PROVEN track record for success! Fill out the "Request More Information Now" box above to receive your free consultation and experience the Method3 difference OR call us (408) 371-1212 to connect. I'm looking forward to talking with you! Live Stronger For Today, John Heringer Chief Motivator, Method3 Fitness Method3 Fitness is conveniently located in San Jose. Our team of personal trainers serve clients in Los Gatos, Campbell, Willow Glen and other surrounding Bay Area cities. If you found this blog useful, be sure to LIKE, LEAVE A COMMENT, and SHARE it on your favorite channel!