One question our coaches at Method3 Fitness are frequently asked is “How long will it take for me to lose the weight?” Although we can estimate the time frame for weight loss, body fat loss, and/or muscle gain, the truth is always… it depends. Ultimately, the number one factor that will contribute to the speed of your results will be the amount of time you are willing to spend on the following healthy habits: Exercise Making healthy dietary choices Drinking water Sleeping And more If you’re a busy professional or stay at home mom, chances are good that your time is limited. That means you have less time in your day to set aside for workouts, planning and preparing meals, and even sleep. On top of that, setbacks like an emergency meeting at work or a sick child that needs to be picked up from school are almost guaranteed. All of this can lengthen the amount of time it takes for you to get the results that you want. The important thing to remember is this: It doesn’t matter how long it takes! In fact, research shows that although weight loss programs that focus on quick fixes do work to get you fast results, a high percentage of individuals that participate in these programs gain all of the weight back and then some. What you need instead is a program that teaches you sustainable habits that you can use for the rest of your life and build upon. Introducing Thrive in 35: Thrive is our 5 week Nutrition, Fitness, and Mindset coaching program designed to truly teach you what and how to eat, includes fun fitness opportunities to excel with your fitness, and how to think and shape your thoughts and actions so you can achieve your goals once and for all. In Thrive in 35 you will... Enrollment is open now and we begin Thriving January 22nd. Call us at (408)371-1212 to reserve your spot or learn more now! Method3 Fitness is conveniently located in San Jose. Our team of personal fitness trainers serve clients in Los Gatos, Campbell, Willow Glen and other surrounding Bay Area cities. If you found this blog useful, be sure to let us know and SHARE it on your favorite channel! The Method3 Fitness blog is updated weekly by our San Jose personal fitness trainers. All content is designed to improve the way you move, eat, and think so you can achieve your goals and live stronger for today. Check back here each week and LIKE our Fan Page, to stay up to date on the latest tips, strategies and methods to get active, gain energy and get healthy again!